What is Title IX?
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in education. It reads:
“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
–Legal Citation: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, and its implementing regulation at 34 C.F.R. Part 106 (Title IX)
Prohibited Sexual Misconduct at Ocean County College includes:
- Sexual Harassment
- Gender-based Harassment
- Sexual Intimidation
- Sexual Exploitation
- Sexual Assault and Non-Consensual Sexual Contact
- Dating Violence
- Domestic Violence
- Stalking
- Retaliation
Title IX Information and Resources
Ocean County College seeks to provide an environment free from harassment and discrimination.
Title IX law requires that the 365球赛平台 Title IX Coordinator receive notice of all reports of sexual misconduct. You have the right and can expect to have incidents of gender-based misconduct taken seriously. Formally reported incidents are investigated thoroughly and equitably and resolved through appropriate administrative procedures. Formal reporting means that information discovered and provided is shared with investigators, witnesses, and the accused individual, as necessary, but with the utmost care.
Students and Staff are encouraged to report any incidents of gender-based misconduct such as discrimination, harassment, sexual violence, bullying or stalking. Situations like this can cause physical or emotional harm, and create hostile environments that interfere with educational or work pursuits and goals. As required by law, reports may be made by submitting a complaint via the Harassment, Discrimination (Including Sexual Misconduct), ADA/504, and Retaliation Complaint Form, in person, or via phone, electronic mail or postal mail. All contact information may be found under the REPORT IT! drop down menu on this page.
In addition to the Title IX Coordinator, some individuals on campus have an obligation to report. These individuals are known as Responsible Employees (also known as Campus Security Authorities or Campus Reporting Authorities). These employees have a duty to report allegations of sexual harassment or misconduct due to their administrative or supervisory responsibilities on campus. Responsible Employees do not have the authority to take action to remedy Title IX violations but are able to assist those who have allegedly experienced harm by informing them of the college’s reporting process and available resources.
Officials with Authority are those 365球赛平台 employees who are explicitly vested with the responsibility to implement corrective measures on behalf of the institution for sex or gender-based discrimination, harassment, violence, and/or retaliatory conduct involving students, faculty, staff, or third-parties.
Disclosure of different types of sexual misconduct shared with any of the aforementioned individuals must be reported promptly to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator works collaboratively with the reporter and makes every effort to operate with discretion and maintain the privacy of all parties involved.
Confidential Resources keep your identity and information private and anonymous. Counselors are confidential resources. 365球赛平台 Counseling Services is located in the Administration Bldg. (#1), Suite 120; 732-255-0400 x 2911; counselingservices@365dafa6.com
In order to report an incident, you may contact any of the following:
365球赛平台 Security and Safety, Toms River
Telephone: (732) 255-0400, Press 8
Telephone: (732) 255-0400, ext. 2200 or ext. 2170
Telephone: (732) 255-0451
365球赛平台 Security and Safety, Southern Education Center
Telephone: (732) 255-0400, ext. 679
Title IX Coordinator
Eileen Buckle, Title IX and ADA/504 Coordinator
Administration Bldg (#1), Suite 112
Telephone: (732) 255-0400, ext. 2944
Email: TitleIXCoordinator@365dafa6.com
Campus Security Authorities (CSA)
*See above
Click on the topics below to read policies related to Title IX:
Ocean County Resources
- Call 911 for EMERGENCY
- Providence House– Domestic Violence Services: (732) 244-8259
- (800) 246-8910 for a 24-hour hotline, provides emergency shelter, emergency safe hour, individual and group counseling, children’s counseling program, legal advocacy, court accompaniment, the 911 cell phone program
- Dottie’s House – Domestic Violence: (732) 262-2009
- Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office: (732) 929-2027
- Domestic Violence Crisis Intervention Unit: (732) 929-2019
- Victim/Witness Unit: (732) 929-2027
- St. Francis Counseling Service/Sexual Abuse and Assault Program:
- Northern Ocean County 24-hour Hotline: (732) 370-4010
- Southern Ocean County 24-hour Hotline: (609) 494-1090
- Appointments and Information: (609) 494-1551
- Contact of Ocean County 24-hour crisis helpline: (732) 240-6100
New Jersey Resources
- NJ Domestic Violence 24/7 Hotline: (800)-572-SAFE (7233)
National Resources
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-SAFE (7233) 24-hour hotline Established by the Violence Against Women Act. “Provides essential tools and support to help survivors of domestic violence.”
- Office on Violence Against Women (OVW): “A component of the U.S. Department of Justice. OVW implements the provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and provides national leadership on the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.”
- Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN): “the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization.” RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline. Free, confidential, 24/7: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).
- 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (formerly the National Suicide Prevention Hotline): “The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.”
- Love Is Respect: Offers resources to “engage, educate, and empower young people to prevent and end abusive relationships.”
- Pandora’s Project: “A nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support, and resources to survivors of rape and sexual abuse and their friends and family.” Provides resources for all survivors including men and LGBTQIA+ survivors.
- Child Welfare Information Gateway: For information on local state laws regarding mandatory reporting and confidentiality.
- MCSR (formerly Men Can Stop Rape): “Rooted in community, based in strength, and grounded in respect, MCSR prevents violence through transformational programs and services for youth and adults that promote healthy masculinity and empowered womanhood.”
- Violence Against Women – It’s a Men’s Issue: A prominent TED talk by Jackson Katz, Ph.D.
- White Ribbon: “The world’s largest movement of men and boys working to end violence against women and girls, promote gender equity, healthy relationships and a new vision of masculinity.”
Title IX Fast Fact
While often thought of as a law that applies to athletics programs, Title IX is much broader than athletics and applies to many programs at Ocean County College. Compliance with the law is everyone’s responsibility at Ocean County College. For information on how to contact staff members who have primary responsibility for Title IX compliance, visit the Title IX Team page.
The Title IX Team

Ocean County College has a team of trained employees who are available to assist in cases of gender-based misconduct such as sexual harassment, sexual violence, discrimination or other unwelcome behavior that occurs on campus or during activities related to school, such as athletic events.
When an incident of gender-based misconduct occurs, 365球赛平台 promptly, equitably and thoroughly investigates under the parameters of Title IX.
Overseeing the team of trained employees is the College’s Title IX Coordinator. This person is responsible for supervising all activities relating to Title IX investigations, activities and training programs.
Responsibilities of the Coordinator include:
- Overseeing all Title IX complaints and investigations
- Providing prompt, thorough and equitable investigations and resolutions
- Coordinating training, education, and communication-related to Title IX
- Interacting with students, faculty, employees and college administrators about Title IX activities
The Title IX Team also works closely with assigned investigators in the Office of Security and Safety and with personnel in the Counseling Services Department.
365球赛平台’s Title IX Team
Name & Title | Title IX Role | Contact Info |
Eileen Buckle, Title IX & ADA/504 Coordinator | Title IX Coordinator | Administration Bldg. (#1), Suite 112 (732) 255-0400, ext. 2944 ebuckle@365dafa6.com |
Tara Brugnoni, Director of Student Conduct | Title IX Investigator | Administration Bldg (#1), Suite 020 (732) 255-0400, ext. 2375 tbrugnoni@365dafa6.com |
Jacqueline D’Amore Director, Talent and Organizational Development | Title IX Investigator | Administration Bldg (#1), Suite 112 (732) 255-0400, ext. 2148 jdamore@365dafa6.com |
Alison Noone Director, Student Support Services | Title IX Investigator | Russell Bldg. (#7) Room 112 732-255-0400, ext. 2138 anoone@365dafa6.com |
Training of Title IX Personnel
Individuals who fill certain roles in the Title IX process must receive training to ensure awareness of their compliance obligation and in order to best provide equitable treatment to Complainants and Respondents and be compliant with the Reporting Procedures required by Title IX. These individuals are the Title IX Coordinator, Investigators, Decision Makers (including appellate decision makers), and any person facilitating an Alternative Resolution Process.
The Title IX regulations 34 CFR Part 106.45(b)(10)(i)(D) require 365球赛平台 to make publicly available information on these trainings beginning August 14, 2020. The training received is listed below in the order in which it appears on the provider’s webpage. The list will be updated on a regular basis upon training completion.
ATTENTION: For questions/concerns or if you or someone you know has experienced any form of sexual violence, please contact us.
Certification Course Training Materials
July-December 2020
- Investigator Two
January-June 2021
- Investigator Level One
July-December 2021
- Investigator One
January-June 2022
- Investigator Two
July-December 2022
- Civil Rights Investigator Four
January-June 2023
- Civil Rights Investigator Two
- Title IX Coordinator One
Supplemental Course Training Materials
- Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
- 2020 Title IX Regulations
- Department of Education’s Summary of Major Provisions of the Title IX Final Rule and Comparison to the NPRM
- Overview of the Title IX Final Rule
- FAQs About the Impending Title IX Regulations – April, 2020
- 2020 Title IX Regulations as a Checklist
- Flowchart – Investigation 106.45(b)(5)
- Flowchart – Informal Resolution
- Flowchart – Mandatory or Discretionary Dismissal
- 1P2P Flowchart
- Flowchart – 3 Buckets of Evidence
Webinar Training Materials
R3 Webinar Ten Things to Know About the New Title IX Regulations
Webinar- Maintaining Title IX Program Integrity in a Pandemic
SPOO or Not SPOO? That is the Question Webinar Final Slides
Gender Identity in the Coll